
Showing posts from May, 2017

Evolution of Religion

Religion evolved for somewhat different functions than it serves today. A Basic Function in Reducing Anxiety Religion evidently functions as a mechanism for dealing with unpleasant emotions associated with difficult life experiences, such as danger,   bereavement , disappointment, disease. So it is most useful when life is most difficult, as in disease-ravaged poverty-stricken sub-Saharan Africa and least useful when life is good, as is true of social democracies in Europe. This perspective helps explain the emergence of religious beliefs around the world as well as their current decline in developed countries Yet it is not comprehensive. Among the many functions commonly attributed to modern religions, some of the key ones follow: - Gives mythical context, purpose, or sense of meaning to people’s lives. - Provides political organization as illustrated by Islamic republic’s or the Civil Rights movement of African Americans. - Organizes charities and social clubs, ...