All About LOVE

Love- R U in Love? or Is it a Love failure?- This is what you need to know about Love.

Love is the most delightful and exciting feeling a human can have, sadly it is also the most bitter and unpleasant feeling  a person can have if it goes wrong.
Love happens when you are attracted towards someone for something that you admire about that person.

Possessiveness, longingness and loneliness are the craziness of love.
Sometimes Love is in a way a self-inflicted pain  b’coz it finds happiness in that pain.

True love can happen only once in a lifetime. When you find it make sure you don’t get lost without it.
True love will free you from all pain but at last u will be enslaved to it and feel the pain of it.
True love only looks at the beauty of the heart.
True love cannot be separated by distance.
True love will accept the way as you are. A human being can change some characteristics for the good of the relationship but one cannot change the entire personality.

People  love…..
Some love for  fashion,
Some out of passion,
Some to while away their time,
Some for your good looks,
Some for their evil pleasure.
Some for your money
Some for your fame
Some for your talents
Some for your personality
Some like variety they keep on changing,
Whatever it may be beware of whom you love.
Only  some love with a true heart.

The most pathetic state of love:
Some people will take advantage of your situation. They will help you and be very kind and talk very sweetly to you and make you comfortable with them and you will start sharing everything with them. They will make you happy and will make you smile, help you, guide you and what not. At a stage when your happiness is totally dependant on that person and when they learn that u are enslaved to them they will slowly start avoiding and moving away from you and watch in silence how you suffer and feel happy and content. May be they find happiness when someone is longing and suffering for them.

Love failure? If love goes wrong don’t pause your life, eject that love.
This is a sad phase in one’s life,  who truly loved the person. There may be many reasons but whatever it is,we need to overcome it. It may be hard but not impossible. Some take their own lives to prove true love but do you think it is worth it. The person whom you loved will forget and everyone will get on with their lives but the lives of your loved ones will be paused. Just think about your parents who took care of you and had soo many dreams about you when you were born. It will be a big blow for them.

Love is not your entire life, it’s just a part of your life. There are many more beautiful things to experience, to be happy about and achieve in your life.

You can’t beg someone for love, it has to evolve naturally.

Why do you want to waste your time and life for a person who doesn’t care about you.

Instead of harming yourself rise up and achieve something big so that the person who rejected you will feel for it. That is the greatest punishment that you can give that person.

There is nothing more than friendship it is love-
 A male and female can be best friends but at a point when you  think your friendship is more than that, it only means friendship has blossomed into love. Friendship is friendship there is nothing called more than friendship it is called love. You r just not willing to accept the fact that it is love.

The highest point in love: This is when people just live with the memories. They can’t live together, talk or see. Still they can’t forget each other, coz they can’t forget the memories they made together. This is called irreplaceable love. No one can take that place except for that one and only person.

LOVE is not about talking for hours together, it’s not about meeting each other or buying expensive gifts. It’s not about having candle light dinners or having a Romantic night. Its all about that beautiful inner feeling u have for that person , the compatibility, acceptance of that  person as they are, the beautiful attraction of two hearts and the two souls longing for each other and feeling complete.Some love the person soo much that they let the person go.

There may be many changes in your life but true love never changes it only strengthens day by day. So respect love. Love if you can commit but not to deceive.


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