Nomophobia & Smartphone Addiction Among Children
Nomophobia & Smartphone Addiction Among Children The term “addiction” is usually associated with alcoholism and drug abuse. Yet people do get addicted to different stimulants that are quite legal substances. Smartphones changed our primary concept of a cell phone. It is no longer used strictly to establish audio communication. Smartphones allow us to have our camera, GPS navigator, video game terminal, and even our own library in hand. Nevertheless, the biggest and most important aspect is that a smartphone gives us access to the Internet. Nomophobia (no-mobile-phobia) is defined as the fear of being out of cell phone contact. Have you thought about how long you can go without checking your cell phone? How about your children and their smartphones? The problem among teens is that they have become so engrossed with their smartphones that they are missing the world around them. So-called smartphone zombies are now walking during class breaks and at hom...