Family is the longest surviving institution of India irrespective of the ages, transformations, religious and political views. Loyalty, integrity and unity are the three pillars upon which Indian families & Indian Culture stand. From family, Indians learn the first letters of collectivism and sacrificing individualism for collective interest. Extended family and kinship are two key aspect of Indian family system.
Indian Culture and Family ValuesIn some parts of India, you will find patriarchal families while in southern India you can find mother-centric families and kinship.  Historically, family in India means joint family consisting of grandparents, parents and their offspring. They all leave in the same household, share the common income, eat the food that is cooked for all members and share the same religious values and faith. Though, joint family system is losing its importance with the growth of materialistic values, still you can find this system in most of the parts of rural India.
In general, the male child is given more importance compared to his female counterpart. This is due to the reason that traditionally men are the bread earners and women are the house makers in an Indian family. In a traditional Indian joint family, though the decisions are taken collectively after proper discussion among the elders, the words of the head of the family are final. In an Indian family, child rearing is permissive in most of the cases. The children are not allowed to be independent, take their own decision and self-sufficient before they become completely adult. However, utmost care is taken to improve the personality of the child in a positive manner by all elders of the family. In a typical Indian family boundary line, adolescence is the most difficult time for a person. He/she wants liberty and emancipation while the whole system denies it. Arrange marriage is more or less a rule in most parts of India even in 21st century.According to me Indian Culture is the best in the world , For us India comes first Always and Every time.


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