What does it mean when you dream about someone?
What does it mean when you dream about someone?
What does it mean when you dream about someone?
Every now and then MY FRIENDS ask me that he
is worried because he saw a friend or a relative dying in a dream. In addition
to that lots of people keep asking me to interpret their dreams for them when
they dream about someone they never expected to see in the dream.
Why would a person dream about someone he rarely comes in contact
Why would a person dream about a friend he didn't see lately?
In this article psychologist M.FAROUK RADWAN have answered your
questions and he tells you what does it mean when you dream about someone.
Symbols and dreaming about someone
For some reason almost everything we
see in our dreams are coded in the form of symbols. For example if you
were afraid of losing your job then most
likely you won't see yourself thinking about that in the dream but you might
get the famous dream of missing an important exam.
In my previous article The meaning of falling teeth in a dream i
explained how falling teeth can be a reflection of the perceived loss of power
someone is feeling.
If you feel so guilty because you do
things that are against your values, culture or religion you might see yourself
falling in a dream. So most dreams are decoded into symbols instead of being
direct representation of your thoughts.
Just as everything in the dream comes
in the form of symbols dreaming about someone can be a symbol for someone else
When you dream about someone he might
be a symbol too
Now this is the part that confuses most people.
Just like everything in the dream can be a symbol the person you
saw in the dream can be a symbol too.
This means that seeing your aunt in the
dream doesn't mean that you are concerned about your aunt but instead your aunt
will most likely be a symbol your subconscious
mind is using to represent someone else.
But what determines the choice of the symbol?
and how would you know the person your subconscious mind is
concerned about if you dream about someone else?
The answer lies in 2 facts, the first
is that the subconscious mind will use someone who is similar somehow to the
person its concerned about. For example if your close friend was blond you
might dream of another blond person.
The second fact is that usually there
will be some kind of a key or a hint that your subconscious mind will give you
in the dream that can help you decode all the symbols.
For example if your close blond friend
did something that you don't like behind your back (in real life) then you
might see yourself in the dream telling the other old blond friend something
like "why did you steal my wallet?"
As you can see the old friend
represented your current one and was just a symbol, Stealing the wallet was a
symbol for betrayal and the whole dream was a representation of the situation
you were concerned about few days ago.
In the Ultimate guide to becoming self confident he explained how the subconscious mind can sometimes make a person feel insecure
when it comes across one of the symbols that reminds it of an unsolved problem
(seeing a tooth paste advertisement for example can unconsciously remind you of
the fact that you don't like your looks. In other words, symbols are a normal
way of thinking for your mind.
So when you see someone dying in a
dream then don't worry because this might be a symbol for something completely
different other than death, in addition the person himself will be a symbol
that represents someone else just like he explained earlier.
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